Corporate Fitness
British Employees spend more time at work than most of Europe, statistically, the average office job demands a 43 Hour week.

Now when we think about our offices, fitness is definitely not the first thing that springs to mind. Many of us spend our days sitting at our desks looking at our computer screens, and a lot of us even eat lunch at our desks.
However, encouraging fitness in the workplace is an amazingly beneficial option for any employer. During exercise our body releases a hormone called 'Endorphin' - This provides our bodies with more energy, an improvement in self confidence, a higher positive attitude towards work, and decreased 'Cortisol' levels (Stress hormone) - In turn, improving the overall working environment.
A healthy, active employee is also less likely to get sick - If there is a bug going around the office, those who do not look after themselves and exercise regularly are far more likely to fall ill. Encouraging exercise among staff can not only boost short-term attendance rates, it can also have an effect on the long-term absenteeism too. Employers looking for any advice on boosting employee health can visit my website, or directly message myself '' for any inquiries.
There are a multitude of different ways for employers to encourage their staff to keep fit, regardless of the size of the company. Now we often hear big stories on large companies who can afford to build in-house gyms for their employees. Whilst that is a fantastic solution to encouraging workplace fitness, it is hardly realistic for the majority of world-wide companies.
If you run a fairly small company, the chances are you wont have a big budget to spend on keeping your employees physically active. However, there a few simple, low maintenance ways to promote fitness within the workplace, such as encouraging out-door meetings, positioning printers/scanners further away from desks. You could even set up a company sports team, or encourage staff to commit to taking part in a charity fitness challenge i.e. 5k Runs, Football Tournaments.
Corporate Fitness:
I'm currently running carefully designed programmes, which are tailored for work places. Hence, making fitness that much easier! I run a multitude of classes, as to where I will travel direct to your place of work (After hours if preferable) and provide you/your employees with a fun/exciting form of exercise which will really get them calories burning!!
Now, on top of everything else, showing your employees that you care about their fitness levels is a great way to boost morale. It demonstrates to your employees and colleagues that their health and well-being is important to the company they work for - The positive benefits of which can hardly be understated.
If you're interested in learning more, then feel free to get in contact now ( or visit the Corporate Fitness page for further information.
I look forward to hearing from you.